Intake en onderzoek | €130.00 |
Consult / E-consult | €80,00 |
Niet nagekomen afspraak | €80,00 |
Payment terms
These rates apply if you are not (any longer) insured for physiotherapy
Orthomolecular therapy consultations can be (partly) reimbursed in accordance with your supplementary insurance
If necessary, we can request more additional research. You will receive the invoice for an examination from the laboratory. Exams are never reimbursed by your health insurance
Physiotherapy sessions are reimbursed by your health insurer and you do not have to pay
If you no longer have a reimbursement for physiotherapy, you will receive an invoice with payment link via email
For consultations orthomolecular therapy you will receive an invoice with payment link via email
You can later submit the invoice for the consultation to your health insurer in accordance with your policy conditions
For examinations you will receive an invoice from the laboratory
For supplements you will receive an invoice with payment link via email